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24.02.14 - Graham

Graham: Thank you all for your questions, your support and being the best fans ever! I look forward to doing this again some time. Thanks for contributing and I’m sorry I couldn’t get to all the questions. And don’t forget to watch the next new episode of Heartland on Sunday, March 9th on CBC!

If you could play any other character on the show, who would it be and why?
In an ideal world, if I could change my age and play any other character, I would play Ty’s dad, Brad. I would love to see more storylines from that character, so that’s just me. There’s a lot of backstory I’d like to explore.

Did you like horses before Heartland?
I was pretty neutral to them, but once I was around people riding them, and riding them myself, it was pretty unique, and I have a huge amount of respect for the animals and their power. I had no knowledge or experiences whatsoever — horses or motorcycles. It has been a blessing to have experiences with them.

What is you favorite movie genre to watch? And would that be the kind of story you want to tell?
I don’t know if I have a favourite genre, but when I walk out of a theatre I want to feel energized and excited about life. I don’t know if that fits into one genre, sometimes that’s a drama, but not always. Anything that makes me feel excited about life, that would be the genre or type of story, and yes that’s the type of story I’d like to tell.

What’s it like working with Amber Marshall? Are you actually as close as your characters are?
I think it takes a great deal of trust and respect and a foundation of a good friendship. You have to be very respectful and honour each other in that process. I feel that Amber and I have built that together, and we’re able to tell stories that people are engaged with while protecting our private lives as well.

Which episode was the hardest to film?
The hardest one was when Ty’s dad passed away, specifically one scene where I come out of the trailer and I’m lost at my father dying, and it’s challenging as my own father is still alive, so to play something that I haven’t gone through personally was a big challenge for me. I had to do a lot of mental work to be as authentic as I could. There’s a lot of people who’ve had that experience and I wanted to honour that. It was a challenging storyline to tell, in that emotional, psychological way, but I learned a lot!

What is the one thing in the world, you CAN’T live without?
Silence. If I didn’t have some sort of peace and quiet, I wouldn’t be able to live. I’m someone who highly values their quiet time. If I didn’t have that I’d go insane.

Do you see yourself directing films in the near future, and how is The Lone Maverick coming along? What type of projects do you have going?
We’ve got a few projects on the go, I’m actually meeting with my friend Marcus on Tuesday, and we had a chat on how we wanted to shape this company, and movies, as well as apps and stories and how we’re creating it. It’s a business that centres around creativity and pushing yourself. There’s nothing I can talk about specifically but there’s lots on the go.

What should we expect in next weeks episode?
The wonderful Lisa Stillman making a comeback… yes, it’s Jessica Steen and some great surprises that I won’t give away.

What school did you go to? Heard you were from Mission BC.
I was born in Mission, but I grew up in New Westminster. I was home schooled until grade six, then I went to F.W. Howay for two years, and then I went to S.T.M., a private catholic school, then I switched to NWSS. That was where I graduated from… barely.

Do you see your colleagues on Heartland as your second family?
Yeah, I flew into Calgary last week, and it just so happened one of the transport drivers was picking up an actress for another show, and I saw him, and it was like, “What are the odds?” It felt like a welcome home, even though he wasn’t there to see me. That’s an example of how I feel how the people here have become a second family to me. In the film industry, because you work together and move around like a circus, you develop a companionship with everyone, and you have to support each other, and you get to know each other well and build strong bonds. It’s unlike any other job in the world.

Why did you change your hairstyle? Liked the old look much better!
My hair was always in my eyes! …and I didn’t like it in my eyes. There wasn’t a huge amount of thought in that, it’s like picking a shirt in the morning, you don’t think about it, it’s about how you feel that day. I think it’s important to stay true to yourself. Everyone’s got their own opinion and that’s cool, but you have to feel true to yourself.

Are you really an animal lover? And would you want to be a vet in real life?
I love life, so I think I give everything a fair shot. If there’s a fly buzzing around my place, I’ll catch it in a cup and give it a chance to fly away, or a mouse, same thing. Would I be a vet? Probably not, but I’d like to study animals, like a zoologist, and study gorillas and monkeys because I find them fascinating.

If you had a choice another actor to do a cameo, who would it be?
It would be Will Smith, because he does something like “Bad Boys 2” a crazy action movie, a blockbuster, and then you have “The Pursuit of Happyness” a really hardcore story about life and overcoming the odds and that range is profound, he’s a really inspirational guy and I would love to act and play with him, and also Jack Black — I was watching “Nacho Libre” the other day, and people knock comedy, but there’s such an art or skill to comedy that’s not recognized as much as other acting, and I’d love to learn from him and have a lot of fun.

Other than an acting, what is your dream job?
It would be something to do with space, I feel there’s a pull in me to educate myself and learn more about the world in which we live in and how it fits into the universe. There is a lot out there that I feel is just… wonder. That’s my favourite state of mind to be in, and I think space encapsulates that perfectly, and to be involved in that on a regular basis would be the best thing ever.

Please please bring Heartland to the USA!!!
Hey Cindy, season six is premiering on UpTv this Wednesday!

Are you a vegetarian or vegan? And what’s your favorite food?
Neither, but I eat vegan 80% of the time, as much raw food as I can, and be as healthy as I can. Lots of water and Matcha Green Tea.

Do you have a favorite horse on Heartland?

What music are you listening to right now?
Good question! I like deep house music and trap music as well. There’s a playlist on soundcloud that I’ve been listening to, it’s called Morning Coffee Delusion. It was playing at one of my favourite restaurants in Banff, Nourish, and I like it because it’s feel good and they remix a lot of classic songs. It’s refreshed, chill music.

Ok. Enough stalling, when’s the wedding?
Well, there will be a wedding this year.

If you could change things about Ty’s character what would you change?
I would have him involved with the troubled kids programs more with Clint, the probation officer, and taking on that sort of role. I like it when Ty stays true to his past, I like the episodes with flashbacks and those sorts of things, working with troubled youths in the city, that would be something I’d like to see if I could.

Are you and Ty alike?
There’s a lot of myself that I bring to the character, and there’s a lot of Ty that I have learned and expanded my own self with, so we share a common space.

Hi. My name is Olivia, I’m using my papa’s Facebook. Are you really into motorcycles?
Yes Olivia, I have really fallen in love with riding and I’m doing another charity ride with my Cruise with a Cause teammates and I’m looking forward to that. If you ever get the chance, you should ask your dad to take you out.

I was at the H4HR in Calgary this past summer. I am aware that you are only about 2 weeks ahead of riding ability than your character. Would you continue to ride horses if you were to quit Heartland?
Yeah, absolutely. I think Heartland has been an eye-opening experience with me, and my relation to animals, and I now see them in a new light. I don’t think I could discontinue with riding, I’d love to expand my experiences with them. I’d also love to ride an elephant!

What is your inspiration that will put you in a positive mood if you’re feeling down?
I’m a big fan of Tony Robbins, and he taught me there are 3 things that determine your state of mind, your physical body, what you focus on and the language you use to describe it. When I’m in a bad mood, and not feeling hot, going for a run, and doing a gratitude exercise, think about what I’m grateful for, will always put me in a better mood. On top of that, one of my favourite speakers, Les Brown, has a few videos on youtube, and if you search for “Les Brown It’s Possible” — I often tweet Les Brown tweets and clips because its very inspirational and it picks me up. Oh yeah, Rebekah Holland, my favourite ice cream has evolved from mint chocolate chip to coconut chocolate peanut butter ice cream.

In season 7 when Mallory left, were you upset or happy?
I think everyone was upset, we all knew that it was her last episode, and it was bittersweet. We were happy she was growing up and she wanted to move on and do other things, but it was sad to see her go. She’s a very talented young woman with a big career ahead of her, and everyone is very proud to have worked with her.

Were you ever truly a “bad boy” in real life?
Not in the sense of the question being asked, but there were times in my life that were a lot darker than they are now…. I’m very grateful and happy to be where I am now, today.

What do you do on your days off of filming? Have you ever been inspired by another actor/actress?
Absolutely! My favourite moment was watching Heath Ledger in the Dark Night, and his focus that he brought to that was incredible. It’s sad he’s no longer with us. You see him in other movies, then you see him in this, and you can’t believe he went there — it takes a lot of mental focus to be in that character. He inspired me to see what’s possible to do in acting, in my time. That was a big moment to see the range of an actor.

Ecrit par Moorgana 
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